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Ph.D. Life Simplified


Number of Ph.D. Students Who Don't Finish


Average # Of Years to Complete Ph.D.


Number of Ph.D. Students Experiencing Moderate to Severe Mental Health Challenges


Number of Times Higher the Mental Health Challenges are Versus the General Population


Number of Ph.D. Grads Who Find Tenure Track Positions Within 5 Years of Graduating

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Our community is made up of Ph.D. students from all over the world, at all stages of their journey. Connect with others, exchange ideas, build research connections, and find inspiration and motivation in your peers.


Participate in live and on-demand training, participate in guided challenges, or ask questions during live office hours with our expert Ph.D. coaches who are eager to help you thrive in your Ph.D. program.

Unlock your Ph.D. potential with Academified!

Unlock your Ph.D. potential with Academified! Join our thriving support community, where passionate Ph.D. students connect, collaborate, and conquer challenges. Empower your research journey with expert advice, networking, and resources. Elevate your academic success—become an Academified member now!

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A team of award-winning academic experts with a passion to help you succeed.

"Honestly, Dr. Richard has a gift for teaching and it is obvious she is passionate about what she is teaching. She is caring, has amazing critical thinking skills, leads by example, and she is very open to adapting learning requirements to students' learning styles."

- Former Student

“Even after years of experiencing her infectious enthusiasm for teaching and learning, Teri continues to impress me with her insight, creativity, and dedication to finding better ways to help our students learn. She continues to influence my passion for science education and influenced my decision to pursue continued graduate work in Educational Psychology focusing in the Learning Sciences."

- Former Student

"Dr. Macedo definitely is concerned with the overall quality of the Ph.D. that will ultimately be produced by this University. Her delivery and style established this from day one, and the demand for excellence never let up.”

- Former Student

Why did we launch Academified?

Pursuing a PhD can be a challenging and rewarding journey, but it can also be isolating and overwhelming at times. That's why we decided to launch Academified, an online community that provides support, guidance, and resources for PhD students. Our community is led by professors and industry experts who understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with earning a PhD.


Get Access to our Free Webinar: Know the Rules: Ten Tips for Thriving in Your PhD Program

Get Access to our Free Webinar: Know the Rules: Ten Tips for Thriving in Your PhD Program

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